Operation Enduring Freedom
Object Name:
Basket, Trinket
Museum ID #:
Catalog Date:
Chaplain Andrew Meverden Collection
Hand—woven, wicker basket; 7" in diameter with the outer edge being 1.5" tall; made of dark and light colored wicker material; there is a band design woven into the cross—section of the bottom of the basket, with a diamond shape in the middle.
Event Associated with Item:
Operation Enduring Freedom
History of Item:
Purchased by Chaplain Meverden during his SEP 2002 through APR 2003 deployment to Afghanistan; basket was hand—woven by a member of an Afghan widows group which made such items to sell in order to provide for their families; women were widows from the Soviet War and the following Civil War.
Place of Origin:
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Wicker BasketWicker Basket