Operation Enduring Freedom
Object Name:
Bayonet, Knife
Museum ID #:
Catalog Date:
Chaplain Andrew Meverden Collection
Soviet bayonet with scabbard; metal blade with inlayed wood on the handle and two screws; scabbard is black with green cloth belt connector; 8" blade and scabbard; 4" handle; "4849" is written on the handle.
Event Associated with Item:
Operation Enduring Freedom
History of Item:
Obtained by Chaplain Meverden during his deployment to Afghanistan in SEP 2002 through APR 2003

Backstory: while stationed at the Kabul Military Training Center, Chaplain Meverden came in contact with and was around Afghan Soldiers being trained by US Special Forces; when being trained, the Afghan Soldiers were trained using weaponry that had been produced by the USSR; these weapons were sent into the country from former Soviet—bloc countries or were obtained from left—over weapons caches when the Soviets pulled—out of Afghanistan; when AK—47 rifles arrived at KMTC, they came in crates that had they associated bayonets for the weapons; this bayonet was one of those which came to KMTC as part of the weapons packages
Place of Origin:
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